The most beautiful waterfalls on the planet
Waterfalls and caves are among the most preferred natural sites, where we talk about tourism in the mountains. More powerful are the waterfalls that can collect water falling from the height of a 20 storey block. For safety we are only to observe them rather than to walk between the stalactites and stalagmites, never the less, waterfalls are leading the charts for the number of tourists they attracts. So when you plan your upcoming vacation, you can include any of the next ten fabulous places in your plan and enjoy the divine scenery.1. Iguasu - the most dangerous
The waterfall, known as the Mother of waterfalls, extends 3 kilometers and a dividing border between Argentina and Brazil. The thundering water descends from a height equal to a 24 storey building, and even compared to Niagara seems negligible. Iguasu Falls is officially in the ranking of the 100 wonders of the world and locals say it is the "most dangerous" of waterfall in the world.

The waterfall formed 120 million years ago and has the range of about 275 waterfalls, being created by the Parana and Iguazu rivers close to their mouth. The largest and most impressive of them is the devil's throat waterfall. The waterfalls are the only ones that are a part of the Brazilian National Park; Iguazu Falls is the largest subtropical preserve in the world.
The enormous amount of waterfalls located in the form of a horseshoe, with a length of 2700 meters is attracting over 700 thousand tourists each year. This is one of the most visited tourist sites. The average amount of water strikes of the waterfall is about 1500 m3 per second and during different season’s ranges between 500 and 6500 m3 per second.
2. Niagara - the most famous

Niagara Falls, known for its uniqueness, is a valuable source of hydroelectric power and is a challenging project for the environmental protection. It has been a popular tourist destination for more than a century. The waterfall is located between the twin cities of Niagara Falls (USA) and Niagara Falls (Canada). It is alleged that the name Niagara comes from the Iroquoian word meaning “thunder water’’.

Waterfalls, that are located right on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, are named after the English Queen Victoria and are one of the royal sights in the world. This waterfall is neither the most extensive, nor the highest. Mosi-Oa-Tunya when spoken in local dialect literally means "the smoke that thunders." Victoria Falls is the waterfall with the largest mass of falling water, around 550 million liters of water every minute pours. It is 1.7 kilometers wide and 400 m high. Victoria is part of two national parks and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. Part of a UNESCO world heritage, it was opened on November 17th, 1855 by the British explorer David Livingstone.
4. Dettifoss falls - the most powerful in Europe
This is another waterfall in the country of Geysers. Defined as the most powerful waterfall in Europe, Detifos is located in Iceland. In the summer when the ice of the cold island melts, the flow is stunning as it falls quickly. The flow is 193 cubic meters per second. In height it is 45 meters and has a width of about 100 meters. It is known as the Icelandic "Niagara".
5. Jog Falls - audacious, which changes its shape
India has always been an exotic country, but these waterfalls are definitely one more reason to increase adrenaline. Violent incident water powers down from 273 meters high, and the view is unparalleled. It is a coincidence that it is called a "bold” waterfall. It is characteristic that during the different seasons it changes its shape. This is the biggest waterfall in India and one of the largest on the planet. It is from the Sharavati River, western Karnataka, near Gatti Western mountain chain in South India. Jog Falls is one of the highest waterfalls in the world. The amount of water it can pour depends on the season. During the rainy season it pours 1023 cubic meters of water per second. During the dry season, however, it reduces the flow rate more than 5 times during this period and seems far from impressive.
6. Shoshone Falls - among the symbols of America
These waterfalls are known as Niagara of the West, with a width of 274 meters and a height of 64 meters. In America, Shoshone is listed as one of the country's national symbols and is located in Idaho and rises to 13 meters higher than Niagara. The name comes of the waterfall comes from the Shosho Indian tribe that inhabited this territory 12,000 years ago. The first white, entered the territory of the park in 1807, he was known as Trapper John Koltar. His descriptions evoke interest among white settlers, and they begin to invade what was considered the hitherto inaccessible land, and began to expel the Indians. After construction of the railroad there in 1920, the first tourists arrived. Initially, hunting was among the favorite attractions organized for visitors, but later it prohibited. Over 3 million tourists passed through the park last year.
7. Gullfoss Falls - the most fascinating in Iceland
Located in Iceland Gullfoss Falls was named the most fascinating views in the country. Broad goals and 20 meters high, not hitting Gullfoss Falls sizes, but with the incredible play of water on the snow covered cracks of the rocks. Its other name is a golden waterfall because at sunset the color of the water is like gold. With a double cascade of about 105 feet Gullfoss Falls is the most powerful waterfall in Europe. On sunny days the small clouds that surround the outflow of water creates colored circle arcs, which creates a picture of indescribable iridescent.
Once the Icelandic government's intention was to build hydro electronic energy there, but people continue to tell the story of a young woman who threatened to throw the waterfall, which managed to save Galfos to be wild in its maiden appearance. Today it is a national park, which enjoys visitors with numerous ridges and sparkling waters.
8. Yosimite Falls - the most photographed of Hollywood
Another brilliant waterfall in North America shot thousands of times in Hollywood stories and coincidently named one of the most beautiful on the planet. Its height is 740 meters and is among the most famous attractions in the United States. This ranks its first as the tallest in North America and makes it sixth in the world. The waterfall is a symbol of grandeur and beauty in motion in a national park and is very easily accessible. It consists of 3 water segments, the first one bronze, sank 425 meters from the cliffs, has steep paths from the base of the valley and other parts of the park onto the top and reveals natural spectacular and a deafening show.

9. Angel Falls - hypnosis of Venezuela
Waterfalls of Venezuela are 979 meters in height and are the highest on earth. Their beauty is unmatched, and the enormous jet of water falling of the rocks mesmerizes every visitor. The waterfall was declared a national treasure of the world. Their name in Spanish is Salto Angel.
The waterfall is situated on the river Churuta, a small tributary of the Orinoco, and is also known by the name Kerepakupai merú Parakupa-vena. The existence of the waterfall is almost a paradox, for lack of a natural water source (Churuta is scarce) and no large lakes nearby, snow, glaciers or abundant river systems.
The Angel waterfall is a powerful force solely due to rain during the equatorial rainfall during June -December, when the cloud veil over and around the plateau Auyan is extremely dense. Then the sight of the waterfall shows a white heavy fog, in which it is surrounded. This creates a strange and mystical feeling and unique landscape.
10. Huangguoshu - the magic of China
The waterfall is located in the tourist area of Huangguoshu, China. The region has 18 waterfalls above the ground. Huangguoshu among them is the biggest. Its height is 74 meters, or the equivalent of a 20 storey block. Compared with other large scale waterfalls and water quantity this one is not impressively large. But has magic peculiarity due to the fact that tourists can enter the cave on the mountain and watch the waterfall inside. The cave is located in the middle of the waterfall and is more than 100 meters. It has 6 holes, through which tourists can watch closely the falling water and can even touch it.
From its natural watchtower you can clearly see the 7 colors of the rainbow over the lake Rhinoceros, which changes and moves with the location of visitors.